assessing the barriers and opportunities of purchasing


The Challenge

Pollen, a VC-backed entertainment startup, wanted to better understand consumer behavior, purchasing patterns, and most importantly, the barriers to purchasing for an upcoming experience featuring 50 cent.

the process

I led a team to develop and disseminate a broad-based online survey using random sampling (within specified demographics) through Qualtrics. We wanted to measure the following core questions: 

  •  How likely are consumers, within our target demographic, to purchase this experience?

  • For those that were interested but had yet to purchase, what were the barriers to conversion?

  • What are the most significant drivers of conversion?

  • What are consumers’ expectations and aspirations of this experience?

We received 267 responses; participants were incentivized through a virtual Amazon giftcard. This ensured a rough approximation of the underlying population (Qualtrics Quotas). 

the intervention + impact

My team analyzed the data to identify emerging themes and opportunities within the present marketing and operational strategy. One insight, for example, was that most potential attendees were interested in this experience primarily for the entertainment performances, and didn’t find other components such as travel (tourism in Malta) as interesting. As a result, there were very real implications for our marketing and experience operations teams; we advised the marketing team to “double down” on media that emphasized the lineup and opportunities to engage with the artists rather than focusing exclusively on the lure of being in Malta.