developing a meaningful wellness expereince


The Challenge

Pollen, VC-backed events and entertainment startup, wanted to understand better how black women navigate the wellness space and how Pollen might provide a meaningful music and entertainment experience. Insights would be translated into the respective business units’ workstreams to execute this event. 

the process

We conducted participant observation with six self-identified black women across the US that practice a form of wellness. Additionally, we conducted semi-structured interviews with wellness experts across the US. We wanted to deeply understand their aspirations, motivations, feelings and challenges. We analyzed this data to identify themes and opportunities. 

the intervention + impact

Relevant business units such as marketing, strategy and creative were invited to a workshop to review the high-level insights of the research and to discuss the implications to their respective workstreams. This interactive workshop created the foundation for the marketing, operational and creative experience with the Grammy-award winning artist, and created a unifying perspective for the team to organize and design around.